Family Outpatient

I will utilize structural family therapy to focus on family interactions and family structure based on social interactions. The role of the therapist is to help the family outgrow constraining growth patterns and develop a stronger family. The therapist works to help parents increase their ability to be in control and help the family (both children and adults) set and follow healthy boundaries. Therapy for communication can be helpful for improving communication skills with strategies including active listening, opening lines of communication and mediating communication. Psychoeducation is used in family therapy to reduce stigmatizing mental health issues and increasing ability to manage day-to-day challenges in family functioning. Systemic therapy is focused on problems created in the social and linguistically influenced reality. Solution-focused family therapy encourages the family and client to consider alternatives to a current belief about how problems occur. The goal is to break down problems into manageable segments to bring about change. Behavioral family therapy focuses on reinforcing wanted behavior and reducing focus on negative acts. Narrative family therapy works to change negative thinking patterns that may cause continuation of problems in the family system. A commitment to attending each session and a willingness to challenge thoughts and work on identified problem areas will be the key components to a successful therapeutic partnership.   

$130.00 per hour


Individual Outpatient Counseling


Parent Coaching