Individual Outpatient Counseling

Individual outpatient treatment, allows clients to receive mental health services in an office or clinical setting rather than being admitted to the hospital overnight. For clients who do not need round-the-clock care, outpatient treatment is an excellent option. Clients will be seen at the local DSS agency, or in an office setting. The initial consultation will allow the client and me the opportunity to get to know one another and the intake assessment process will begin. I’ll ask the client a series of questions about the areas of their life that they are seeking assistance with and what specifically brought them into therapy. A thorough assessment will be completed, which will help us determine the appropriate modality for their personalized treatment plan. We will then come to an agreement on what we want to work on in therapy and how to reach the identified goals. A commitment to attending each session and a willingness to challenge thoughts and work on identified problem areas will be the key components to a successful therapeutic partnership. I will utilize a blend of cognitive behavioral therapy and psycho education to assist clients with overcoming their identified problems and achieving life success and happiness. 

$100.00 per hour


Family Outpatient