Therapeutic Groups & Parenting Classes 

$25.00 per hour

Nurturing Parenting Program (NPP) -Nurturing Parenting Programs are evidence-based programs for the prevention and treatment of child abuse and neglect. With 40 years of validation, SAMHSA (Substance Abuse, Mental Health Services Administration) and NREPP (National Registry of Effective Programs and Practices) along with program clearing houses at the state level have recognized the Nurturing Programs as effective programs for the prevention and treatment of child abuse and neglect. 


Prevention and Intervention - Nurturing Programs are designed to meet the assessed needs of families experiencing varying levels of dysfunction. I will offer this program to parents in need of treatment for child abuse and neglect; the program is used as an intervention for families at risk for child maltreatment, the program is offered in a group setting. 


Understanding negative parenting patterns - Nurturing parenting instruction is based on the five patterns of parenting that have been proven to contribute to the maltreatment of children: 

  • Inappropriate developmental expectations of children 

  • Parental lack of empathy of children's needs 

  • Strong belief in the use of corporal punishment as a means of discipline 

  • Reversing parent-child roles so parents can satisfy their needs and wants 

  • Oppressing children's power and independence by demanding strict obedience to parental demands. 


NPP will address numerous topics surrounding skill building and understanding parenting from a nurturing perspective. The program will be a modified 8-week version, with a minimum of and no more than 10 participants (ideally). Workbooks will be provided to all class participants. The topics of discussion will be chosen based on the outcomes of the pre-test.  


Evaluation: The program success/outcomes will be evaluated by conducting a pre and post test (Quasi Experimental Research).        

** All program material will be provided. 


Couples Outpatient Counseling